Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monitoring of Processed XML messages


This page describe the usage of the tool SXI_MONITOR for monitoring of processed XML messages in SUS.


  • Starting the Tool
  • Searching for XML messages
  • Displaying results

Starting the Tool

The XML monitor tool can be started directly by transaction code SXI_MONITOR. It is also possible to use transaction code SXMB_MONI and select the entry „Monitor for Processed XML Messages” in the displayed list. The monitor will be started with this starting screen:

Searching for XML messages

There are several possibilities to search for XML message in SXI_MONITOR.
  • You can use the date and time, as well as Sender and Receiver information to search on the main screen of SXI_MONITOR. This will give you a list of all XML messages corresponding to the search criteria regardless of what status the message is in.
  • In case you are only looking for XML message that are in error status, you can use the selection criteria for ’Status Group’ and specify the value ’Errors’ here
  • If you already know the XML message ID of a particular XML message please select the ’Advanced Selection Criteria’ tab and and specify the ID in the field ’Message ID’
  • As of SRM 7.0 you can use the report /SAPSRM/PUR_SELECT_MESSAGES in SE38 for finding XML messages for a specific purchase order.
 Please make sure to set the ’Length of Output List’ parameter depending on your search criteria

Displaying results

The found XML message will be displayed in an ALV result list. You can change the layout and specify the displayed fields and sort order as it is common for an ALV list. To view the details of a specific message, please select it and use the ’Details’  button, or double click on an XML message.
To identify an error in the processed message in many cases you can refer to the content of ’Window 2’ after opening the XML message.
Otherwise you will find more information on the kind of error in the Trace section, which can be accessed from the left side navigation tree. In case of SUS application errors there will be a section called <FAULT_TEXT> containing the error message encountered during application processing of the XML message.
This is possible only for non ESOA type XML interfaces that are not using the Forward Error Handling (FEH). Following interfaces in SUS will use the FEH, if activated and configured:
  • PurchaseOrderERPRequest_In_V1
  • ServiceAcknowledgementERPConfirmation_In
  • ServiceAcknowledgementERPNotification_In
For XML messages processed via these interfaces please use transaction code /SAPPO/PPO2 to identify application error message issued during XML processing.
To display the actual content, called as playload, of the XML message please use the left side navigation tree and double lick on the entry Inbound Message -> Payloads -> MainDocument. The payload is displayed in 'Window 2' of the content area. To save the payload in XML format in a file, you can use the save file icon for 'Window 2'.

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